Building Bridges
Between Communities
Building Bridges
Between Communities
The NSCDA Annual Conference is the largest conference
for Career Developers in the Atlantic Provinces.
The NSCDA has partnered with Autism Nova Scotia to deliver an extensive training program...
The NSCDA is excited to be partnering with Dalhousie University, as part of their microcredentialing pilot...
NS Department of Community Services
The NSCDA partnered with the Department of Community Services...
Nova Scotia Apprenticeship Agency Training
The NSCDA has partnered with the Nova Scotia Apprenticeship Agency (NSAA) to provide two distinct online learning plans...
Nova Scotia Works Online Services Platform
With the emergence of the COVID-19 global pandemic in early 2020, digital service delivery in employment services became essential.

Certificate of Professional and Leadership Studies in Career Development
Dalhousie University Faculty of Open Learning and Career Development offers a brand new Certificate...
Training Evaluation
The NSCDA partnered with Insight Consulting to develop a comprehensive evaluation plan...
The NSCDA Diversity and Inclusion Committee
In 2021, several NSCDA staff members came together to create the NSCDA Diversity and Inclusion Committee (NDIC)
Youth Employability Skills Project
This initiative was developed in response to feedback from employers involved in the Summer Student Employability Skills Program...

Ubuntu Giving Fund and Helping Hands Community Fund
The NDIC developed two funds to support marginalized communities in Nova Scotia...
Transferable Skills Portfolio Pilot
The NSCDA is partnering with Labour and Advanced Education...
Nova Scotia Works Online Digital Training
With the launch of the Nova Scotia Works Online Digital Platform in 2020, the NSCDA was given the opportunity to create quality training...
Growing the Profession
The NSCDA is developing a strategy to raise awareness, standardize and grow the career development profession in Nova Scotia...

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB) learning plan
There is much to learn and a huge gap in today’s workplaces regarding understanding DEIB...

Recovery Oriented Practice for Career Service Workers
As a complement to the Career Services Guide: Supporting People Affected by Mental Health Issues...
Youth Employability Skills learning plan
The Youth Employability Skills project supports the NS Department of Labour, Skills and Immigration’s Youth Initiatives program.
Mental Health Champions
In 2017, the Nova Scotia Career Development Association embarked on an initiative...
Summer Students Interns Project
The NSCDA prepared a learning plan and training implementation guide for the project...
Support for Employers Learning Plan
In partnership with Placemaking 4G (P4G), NSCDA is developing two Employer Engagement modules...
Employer Engagement Specialists
The NSCDA has partnered with Employment Nova Scotia and Workplace Initiatives in the development of the Employer Engagement Specialist’s role in the Nova Scotia Works system of services.
Labour Market Information Guides
The NSCDA partnered with Labour and Advanced Education, to revise the content of the current publications...
Level 1 Assessment Review
The NSCDA has partnered with Labour and Advanced Education to provide context for the evaluation, revision and training of the Level 1 and Level 2 Assessment Tools.
Labour Market Information Training
The NSCDA partnered with Labour and Advanced Education...
The Diversity and Inclusion Program
The Centre for Employment Innovation (CEI) is working with the Employment Nova Scotia Division of Labour and Advanced Education...
Let’s Talk Careers
The NSCDA partnered with the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development...
Wellness Wednesday
The NSCDA teamed up with Flo Meditation + Wellness to provide a weekly Flo Mediation session...

Design for Enhanced Services for Older Workers in Nova Scotia Works Centres
The NSCDA undertook a project to examine existing models for enhanced service delivery to older adult clients...
In January, several NSCDA staff members attended the 2020 Cannexus conference in Ottawa...